when home means fellowship

There are a few weeks since we don't longer have a place called our home and we're on our way to find one, but the word HOME can have different significations, and one of them is fellowship.  Home is a word which for me is related to a sense of belonging, it is a personal universe where you are totally free and in which every corner and object creates a beautiful balance because it is your place, your stuffs,  and also because everything is charged with memories. I was wondering, isn't that the fellowship with dear people contains the same amount of attributes?! I've lived so often the feeling of home in the middle of fellowships, but I've never immersed myself in these thoughts until now... There is a Bible verse in my mind regarding this, and it is found in Matthew 18:20 : "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” How much beauty can be found in these words.. how much beauty can be found in the logic of God's creation!
This illustration it's not only about my present experiences, but also about my childhood which is full of moments around the table, and not because we were a gourmand family :p but because this was our way of life, especially at my grandmothers house, where in almost all of the holidays we gathered together with aunts, uncles, cousins! I still wonder how come that we all fitted in the house! :)) I remember that since the first warm beams of spring would sow up, until the beginning of the rain season in autumn, we used to eat outside under the old lime tree where we used to have a green-blue wooden table, covered with a brown floral mat, as I remember.... There are a lot of things to tell about that place, that time...hmm.. I think beautiful memories are the most precious gifts that a child can receive, I feel so blessed that I've had such a beautiful childhood. My wish is that one day I would write and illustrate some of these memories and turn them into a book!  What a dream... :)


Cand acasa inseamna partasie

De o vreme nu mai avem un loc numit acasa al nostru ci suntem in cautarea lui, dar cuvantul in sine poate avea mai multe semnificatii, iar unul dintre ele este partasia.  ACASA este un cuvant care pentru mine este legat de un sentiment al apartenentei, al sigurantei, si al unui univers propriu in care esti liber si in care fiecare colt si obiect creaza un echilibru frumos pentru ca este locul tauincarcat cu amintiri.  Ma intrebam, nu cumva si partasia cu oamenii dragi contine in ea insasi tot amalgamul acesta de atribute?!  Am trait adesea sentimentul de acasa in mijlocul partasiilor dar nu m-am adancit niciodata pana acum in gandurile acestea.  In Matei 18:20 este un verset drag cu privire la partasie: „Căci acolo unde sînt doi sau trei adunaţi în Numele Meu, sînt şi Eu în mijlocul lor.” Cata frumusete in cuvintele acestea... cata frumusete in logica si echilibrul creat de Dumnezeu!:)
 Ilustratia pe care am facut-o poarta in ea nu doar gandurile si trairile prezente ci si franturi din copilaria mea care este plina de momente in jurul mesei, si nu pentru ca am fi fost o familie de gurmanzi :p dar asa era randuiala la noi, mai ales la bunica unde mai in toate vacantele se strangeau matusi, unchi, verisori, plus noi care eram vreo 7! Si acum stau si ma gandesc unde incapeam cu totii! :))  Imi amintesc ca incepand de la primele adieri calde ale primaverii si pana toamna cand dadeau primele ploi, mancam adesea afara sub teiul batran din curte, unde era mereu o masa de un gri-albastrui din lemn, cu sertar pe mijloc si pe care era asezata o musama cu imprimeu floral.  Ar fi mult de povestit despre timpurile si locurile acelea... hmm...  ma gandesc ca amintirile frumoase sunt cel mai pretios dar pe care il poti darui unui copil, sunt binecuvantata ca am putut avea parte de o astfel de copilarie.. Poate intr-o zi voi ilustra si scrie din aceste amintiri, si apoi le voi aduna intr-o poveste. Ce vis frumos... :)