Letter of thanks
Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2
I thought it will be nice to write this letter, to thank you all for being close to me in many ways in this period of illness. I’ve received so much love and kindness from you and it helped me very very much!
"La vie est belle car elle est eternelle", life is truly beautiful because it really never ends, and I’m glad that we were created to live forever, not only these numbered years on this earth. How wonderful is that?!
I've made this illustration for the doctor who operated me of peritonitis, he had so much kindness and also patience with the unpredictable situations that succeeded the surgery. I'm saying that, because after a week of being at home, the infection grew up again and had to be operated again, and had to spend another 10 days in the hospital... Followed by a period of recuperation and another visit to the hospital with pain that ended to be a small gastritis... let's say that all the people who works in this hospital knows me now :)) and all that makes two months of pain. But in all this period I felt carried on the arms of prayer, and I've learned to see God behind all of you, behind all the doctors and their ability to heal. I saw Him in your acts of kindness, in your words of comfort, in the hours you’ve spend with me ( when you could've done something else), in your smiles and in your gifts that made me feel it was my birthday everyday... :)
Oh, too many times we search for happiness and for the meaning of life in things where it can never be found. If we want to have fullness of life, then we must give ourselves to others, we must help one another and carry each other's burdens.
I always thought that humanism is limited because it's based o the human power, and its pride, but when you see a child of God doing acts of love you see His face, His light that comforts you, and you give glory to God! The pride has no place here, and that makes a huge difference. Truly we are His hands in this world and we must continue to be...
With this I finish my letter to you, and may God bless you all!
With love,
Scrisoare de multumire
"Purtaţi-vă poverile unii altora şi veţi împlini astfel legea lui Hristos!"
Galateni 6:2
M-am gandit ca ar fi potrivit sa scriu postarea asta in semn de multumire, si asta pentru ca am primit atat de multa dragoste in ultima perioada de nici eu nu stiu cum am putut sa o duc! Asa se face ca am plans mult si de durere dar si de bucurie! :)
"La vie est belle car elle est eternelle", viata e frumoasa pentru ca ea este eterna. Viata e cu adevarat frumoasa pentru ca nu are sfarsit, si ma bucur ca am fost creati sa traim vesnic si nu doar un numar de ani limitati pe pamantul acesta.
Ilustratia am facut-o pentru a-i multumi medicului ce m-a operat de peritonita, si care a avut rabdare cu tot imprevizibilul care a aparut pe parcurs, o infectie dupa 10 zile de stat acasa care m-a dus la inca o operatie si inca 10 zile de stat in spital, urmate de mers iar la urgente cu dureri de stomac si altele care au dus la gastrita, sa zicem ca deja tot personalul din spital ma cunoaste :)), iar toate la un loc fac doua luni de dureri unele cumplite altele mai suportabile! Dar in toata perioada asta de suferinta m-am simtit purtata pe brate de rugaciune, si am invatat sa il vad pe Dumnezeu in oameni, in voi, in faptele voastre de dragoste, in cuvintele voastre de incurajare, in clipele, orele petrecute cu mine cand ati fi putut face altceva, in zambetele voastre si in darurile voastre care mi-au inseninat inima si care m-au facut sa simt ca e ziua mea in fiecare zi! :) De multe ori cautam fericirea sau sensul vietii in lucruri nepotrivite, cand defapt se afla in slujire, in fapte marunte de dragoste, in daruirea de sine.
Nu am crezut niciodata in umanism, mereu l-am perceput a fi limitat, si in general nu cred in nimic din ce nu il are pe Dumnezeu ca esenta de baza. Am vazut ca bunatatea si puterea oamenilor fara Dumnezeu e limitata, dar prin puterea Lui ea devine desavarsita. Si asta e un fapt nu o teorie! Da... cu adevarat tu, eu, suntem mainile Lui in lumea asta si asa trebuie sa fie ca totul sa capete forma frumusetii si vetii din belsug.
Si cu asta inchei scrisoarea mea de multumire, si imi doresc ca Dumnezeu sa va binecuvanteze pe fiecare in parte si sa va rasplateasca efortul si daruirea voastra!
Cu drag si multa pretuire,
p.s. fotografii mai bune nu am reusit sa fac cu toata puterea pe care am avut-o atunci cand le-am facut dar nadajduiesc sa fie primite si asa! :)