"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." (James 1:17)
Although I've been very quiet lately on the blog, I have started the year with a fresh motivation to create and to be more consequent than I was until now. It's been a year since I have moved in a little town near Paris, on the Marne's charming waterfront. This place fills my soul with beauty every day, I didn't dream better than this. A fairytale town by the water, surrounded by nature and filled with beautiful houses.
I wanted to start with something new, a theme that I’ve never illustrate before, "sunset on the water", and it speaks about the beauty of winter, the way I see it,because I love all seasons the same, and I wouldn't dare to say that one is more beautiful than another. :)
The month of January, is probably the hardest month of the year for many, because winter hollydays are over, the days are short and foggy, it's very cold outside and spring seems to be miles away. The thing is that we are always waiting for something, and we forget that life is what happens right now, in the present, and once a day said good bye it said it for good, it will never come back again, we can never live the same day twice. I agree, winter can be so uncomfortable sometimes, especially when you have to wake up early and go to work, and outside its still dark, as my dear husband does, but leaving aside all these, when was the last time when you were really looking at nature closely, in winter? Have you noticed how the trees with their black branches are holding the sky at sunset? Oh whaou its magical, I promise! And what about the multitude of plants that winter has, fresh or dried, and the sun light during the day which is so gentle and silken when it falls over the objects and over the streets and their houses...
Life is a gift, and so it is all that is surrounding us ! If we would look more carefully to the things and people that are around us, if we would search to make them happy with small gestures , like our entire attention in some moments or more often than we do it... If we would fight more to build our lives on the things that are valuable indeed, we would soon find out that life is a miracle. There is a thought that has remain in my mind since few weeks ago, and it sounds like this : "God didn't created the birds just to stay quietly on a tree branch waiting for food to fall from the sky, even though He promised to them that He will provide for all their needs. But instead He put inside them the instinct to search for food, to fly and take what was promised to them." And this is us, we wait for things to change without wanting to make the smallest effort in changing us, in changing our priorities... But no one is born thankful, or good, or with a natural ability to see the good more than the bad, and as the apostle Paul said in Philippians 4:11 "For I have learned to be content", so as us, we must discipline ourselves daily to cultivate in our life good virtues.
The blessing always come when I choose wisely, when I choose to do what is right, and when I give myself to others in need, the change begins with us, and all can start today, with small steps. :)
Apus de iarna
"Orice ni se da bun si orice dar desavarsit este de sus, coborandu-se de la Tatal luminilor, in care nu este nici schimbare, nici umbra de mutare." Iacov 1:17
Desi am lipsit cam mult de pe aici, am inceput anul cu avant proaspat in a crea si dorinta de a fi mai consecventa decat pana acum! De un an locuiesc intr-un orasel langa Paris, pe malul Marnei, un loc in care sufletul imi este hranit cu frumusete zilnic, nici ca visam mai bine de atat. Un orasel de poveste, inconjurat de natura si case parca luate din alte timpuri.
Am vrut sa incep cu ceva nou, o tema neabordata de mine pana acum, "apus de iarna pe apa", si este o ilustratie despre frumusetea ierii, asa cum o vad eu, caci iubesc toate anotimpurile la fel de mult, si nu as indrazni sa spun ca unul este mai frumos decat altul. :)
luna ianuarie, este probabil luna cea mai grea pentru multi, se termina sarbatorile, zilele sunt scurte si friguroase, eh pana si zapada devine greu de suportat pentru unii, caci nah dupa Anul Nou asteptam sa vina primavara, si uite asa ne-am obisnuit sa asteptam mereu cate ceva si uitam ca viata se intampla acum, in momentul prezent! Sunt de acord ca iarna e un anotimp inconfortabil uneori, mai ales cand trebuie sa te trezesti dimineata sa mergi la servici si afara e inca noapte, cum e si cazul dragului meu sot, dar lasand la o parte toate acestea, cand a fost ultima data cand ai privit natura indeaproape? Ai vazut oare cum copacii cu bratele lor negre-albastrui tin cerul la apus ? Ai observat frumusetea plantelor de iarna cu bobitele lor colorate, sau chiar plantele uscate pline de nervuri si petale transparente? Sau lumina sarelui din timpul zilei care nu e sticloasa ca in timpul verii, ci mult mai blanda si catifelata..
Viata este un dar, si totul in jur la fel! Daca ne-am uita mai atent la tot ceea ce ne inconjoara, la creatie, la oamenii din jur, daca am cauta sa ii fericim cu gesturi marunte cum ar fi atentia noastra intreaga in anumite momente, sau in cat mai multe momente… daca ne-am stradui mai mult sa cladim lucrurile care conteaza cu adevarat, curand am ajunge la concluzia ca viata este un miracol! Mi-a ramas un gand in minte de acum cateva duminici de la biserica, si el suna cam asa : "Dumnezeu nu a creat pasarile sa stea pe o creanga si sa astepte sa le cada mancarea din cer, macar ca El a spus ca se va ingriji de ele zilnic. Ci a pus in ele instinctul acela de a-si cauta hrana." In acelasi fel si noi, nu putem sta si astepta sa cada totul de sus, ci trebuie sa urmam instinctul de face fapte care sa duca la schimbarea noastra, la schimbarea circumstantelor si cladirea unei vieti frumoase. Nimeni nu se naste multumitor de la sine din cate stiu eu, nimeni nu se naste bun, sau cu tendinta de a vedea binele mai mult decat raul, dar asa cum Apostolul Pavel a spus in epistola catre Filipeni 4:11 "M-am deprins sa fiu multumit" , tot astfel si noi trebuie sa ne deprindem zilnic cu disciplina de a cultiva in viata noastra lucrurile care sunt benefice. Binecuvantarea vine intotdeauna cand fac alegerile corecte, cu intelepciune si daruire de sine, iar schimbarea incepe cu mine, chiar astazi, cu pasi marunti dar siguri… :)