Love has form and meaning, only when it takes the form of the cross."
Ann Voskamp
I've chose to illustrate Adam & Eve and a little corner of garden of Eden, because when I think of their love before the falling, I think of a perfect love in a perfect fellowship with the Creator. This image that I have in mind give me so much joy when I think of it... So there it is, the illustration, and a few words about how I see true love.
Love means giving, and we cannot give ourselves entirely until we understand the way Christ gave Himself for us. He give Himself so we can have an abundant life that will mirror in eternity.
Receiving His offering, we are being healed of all the shades of selfishness that hides inside of a soul who lacks God's love in it.. the unforgiveness, the discontentment, the self-centeredness and so on.. Only through the love of Christ overflowing in our hearts we can have a pure and profound love one for another, that type on love that gives itself unconditionally, until the end!
Like faith, love also is an act of willing that doesn't depend on emotions. The feelings arrived by emotions are limited, and I think the will is superior to them because it values a commitment more than a feeling. Yes, I know, life becomes tricky sometimes, but if we don't hold straight to the promises we've made, feelings can make us do things we will later regret, and we risk to harm people... but people are to be loved not to be harmed.
Precious things never come easy, and there is a battle to be won, the battle with our own wickedness, that searches to fulfill only what's best for itself, and puts the "I" always first. If the "I" would be crucified in the favor of others, this world would be a better place to live in, and separation in families or between friends would not exist. This is not an idealistic idea, but one who speaks about the love of Christ in the life of man and how this love renews a heart and teaches it to love with a love that leads into eternity. Thankfully I've learned much of this kind of love with my husband who is one of the most selfless person I know, and for which I am forever grateful. I've also learned a precious thing in all these years of being a christian, that we become more beautiful when we give ourselves to others.
"For it is in giving that we receive"
Saint Francis of Assisi
Mai bine doi decat unul
"Dragostea are forma si sens, numai cand ia forma crucii."
Ann Voskamp
Am ales sa ilustrez pe Adam si Eva intr-un coltisor din gradina Eden, pentru ca atunci cand ma gandesc la dragostea lor de inaintea caderii ma gandesc la o dragoste perfecta intr-un cadru feeric si intr-o partasie perfecta cu Creatorul. Asadar, iata si ilustratia impreuna cu cateva ganduri despre cum vad eu dragostea adevarata.
Dragostea inseamna daruire, iar noi nu ne putem darui in intregime decat daca intelegem cum s-a daruit Hristos cu totul noua, pentru ca noi sa putem avea o viata care sa se rasfranga in vesnicie si nu doar o viata finita aici pe pamant.
Primind daruirea Lui ne videcam de tot negrul sufletului.. ne vindecam de neiertare, de nemultumire, de prea multa iubire de sine si de toate nuantele egoismului ce se ascund intr-un suflet lipsit de dragostea Lui. Caci numai prin dragostea Lui Hristos revarsata in inimile noastre putem iubi cu o iubire curata si plina de profunzime, o iubire care se daruieste pe sine intr-un mod neconditionat, pana la capat.
Dragostea, ca si credinta, este tot un act de vointa ce nu depinde in mod principal de simtire. Sentimentele venite in urma emotiilor sunt limitate, iar vointa este un act superior simtirii pentru ca ea pune mai presus de ceea ce simte, legamantul facut. Viata de multe ori ia intorsaturi ciudate si cateodata devine dificil de inaintat pe cale, dar a merge condus de simturi e ca si cum te-ai lasa dus de valuri. Atunci cand nu ne tinem strans de promisiunile pe care le-am facut, si renuntam la lupta, emotiile ne pot insela si ne pot duce pe taramuri gresite, urmate de alegeri pe care le putem regreta si care pot rani oamenii... iar oamenii trebuie sa fie iubiti si nu raniti...
Orice lucru pretios nu poate fi obtinut usor, exista o lupta ce trebuie castigata, o lupta cu propriul nostru "eu" ce cauta doar sa se implineasca pe sine insusi. Dar daca am rastigni acest sine pentru cei din jur, pamantul acesta ar deveni un loc mai bun si separarile din familii sau despartirile dintre prieteni nu ar mai exista. Nu, nu este un gand idealist, ci unul real, vazut in vietile multor oameni. Am vazut de multe ori cat de frumos devine caracterul unui om cand este inundat de dragostea Lui Dumnezeu. Am vazut roadele acestui lucru, roadele rastignirii unui sine pentru cei din jur, si cum iubind cu o dragoste intreaga ea duce in eternitate. Ma smeresc inaintea faptului ca am fost si eu daruita unui om cu multa daruire de sine si astfel am putut gusta in ultimii cinci ani din aceasta dragoste despre care am scris. Ma gandesc ca a te lasa infrumusetat inseamna a te frange daruindu-te zilnic... si ca defapt asa Hristos ia chip in noi.
"Prin daruire primim."
Sfântul Francisc de Assisi