There is a sense in these words : "So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow." (1 Corinthians 3:7)
I've always been amazed by the perfection of nature, and wandered often how come should I be pleased in believing that everything appeared just like that through "Big-bang", when there is so much diversity and intelligence in everything that has been created!? There can't be just it, but an extraordinary mind must have thought and create everything, and that mind is Him who's name is "I Am Who I Am". The theory of evolution can't sustain herself, and cannot stay firm in the front of an open minded person who is willing to know the truth. How much sadness there is in the fact that many people are thankful enough just by adopting the ideologies of others without searching any further...
Indeed the way of Christianity is not an easy way, and I would rather say it is the hardest, but once you've lived these words : "Oh, taste and see how good in the Lord." (Psalm 34:8), nothing can ever sound deeper and real than this, and you keep going forward through valleys and over hills, knowing that at the end of the road the everlasting kingdom waits for you, and in the front of it with arms wide open there is Him in all of His splendor and goodness saying : "Well done, good and trustworthy servant!...Come and share your master’s joy!" (Mathew 25:23)
The way of Christianity does not keep you away from hardships, and I dare to say that you'll have to face more difficulties than any other people who are not following this path. But once you have been touched by the love of Christ you cannot step backward, and every effort and sacrifice is worthy of Him. As the gold is proved by fire, so must the Christians be tested, so that the faith that is in them would be proved real and not being just a passing emotion. I've seen so many times the beauty that comes outside from a soul who was tested in fire, and oh, what a wonderful view, to see the realness of faith in a human, how the beauty of victory makes him more taller then the entire world...
The Wonder it's You, God... the wonder it's us and every glimpse of Heavenly beauty left on Earth that spurs us to think that The Everything is more than here, now..
Sclipiri de Cer
Exista un sens suprem in cuvintele : "...nici cel ce sădeşte, nici cel ce udă nu sunt nimic; ci Dumnezeu, care face să crească. " 1 corinteni 3:7
Intotdeauna m-am minunat de perfectiunea naturii si m-am intrebat adesea, cum sa fiu multumita de gandul ca totul a aparut asa "Bing-Bang" si ca Universul in toata splendoarea lui este doar rezultatul evolutiei, cand exista atat de multa diversitate si inteligenta in tot ce este creat!? Nu se poate ca totul sa fie doar atat, ci o minte extraordinara trebuie sa fi gandit si creat totul, si aceea trebuie sa fie a Lui, "Eu Sunt Cel Ce Sunt". Teoria evolutionismul nu se poate sustine pe ea insasi, si nu poate sta in picioare in fata unei minti deschise spre a cunoaste adevarul. Cata tristete in faptul ca oamenii in general, se multumesc sa adopte ideologii constatate de altii si nu cauta mai departe de atat...
Cu adevarat crestinismul nu este o cale usoara, ba chiar este cea mai grea, dar odata ce ai avut parte de "Gustati si vedeti ce bun este Domnul!"(Psalmul 34:8) nimic nu mai poate rasuna la fel de adevarat in tine insuti, si mergi inaintand prin vai si peste dealuri, stiind ca la capatul drumului se iveste Cetatea Vesnica, in fata careia asteapta Creatorul, Tatal, in toata bunatatea si frumusetea Lui spunand : "Bine rob bun si credincios... intra in bucuria stapanului Tau." (Matei 25:23)
Calea crestinismului nu te fereste de necazuri, ba uneori ai parte de mai multe necazuri pentru ca se da o lupta pentru fiecare suflet in parte, si la fel ca aurul, crestinul trebuie sa treaca prin foc, ca astfel credinta lui sa se dovedeasca a fi reala si nu doar o emotie trecatoare, iar din fiecare vale prin care trece, crestinul iese tot mai frumos... tot mai inalt.. :)
Minunea Esti Tu Doamne... minunea suntem noi si toate sclipirile de frumusete cereasca lasate pe Pamant, care ne indeamna sa gandim ca nu e totul, atat, aici, acum...