It's been a few days since I am back home, but my thoughts are still not here in Paris, there are lost somewhere in summer...
I'm traveling with my mind through the gardens, and smell that fresh air of the morning, watch quietly how the soft yellow light caresses the trees, the wet grass, the flowers and the vegetables paradise full of colors.. All that beauty I can have it here to if I go to a farm near Paris, and it would still be overwhelming beauty, but those images that I speak about are connected with dear people, and the moments itself are making that place differently beautiful. I keep in my heart the sweet fellowship that we had with family and friends and the crowded table gatherings with good food, smiles and stories... Yes I do think that simple things give a right meaning to life.. I cherish every joy that God is giving me on this Earth, knowing that these joys are just a shadow of the great beauty and happiness that will come.. being together an eternity in Haven... moments where it will be no place for time. :)
Although I wanted to illustrate more of these moments in my notebook I didn't had enough time for it.. even so, those few illustrations that I've made keep alive the emotions of the moments and places where there have been created.
Vara din caietul meu
Cu toate ca de cateva zile m-am reîntors acasa, gandul meu este tot la vacanta...
Mi-e gandul la diminetile cu aer proaspat din gradini, la acea lumina calda ce mangaia copacii, iarba umeda, florile si tot belsugul de legume colorate. Toata frumusetea aceea o pot avea si aici daca merg la o ferma langa oras, si ar fi tot frumusete coplesitoare, dar imaginile despre care povestesc sunt conectate cu oameni dragi si momente care fac locurile acelea sa fie de o frumusete diferita. Pastrez in inima mea dulcea partasie cu familia si prietenii, mesele aglomerate, pline de bucate gustoase, zambete si povesti... Da, cred ca lucrurile simple dau un sens real vietii.. Pretuiesc fiecare bucurie pe care Dumnezeu mi-o daruieste pe acest pamant, stiind ca bucuriile ce ne sunt ingaduite aici sunt o umbra a frumusetii ce o sa vina.. fiind impreuna cu totii in vesnicie... clipe in care nu v-a mai fi loc si pentru timp! :)
Hmm... si ca sa nu ma desprind prea brusc de toate momentele frumoase pe care le-am petrecut, am tot rasfoit caietul cu amintiri ilustrate si le-am adunat aici intr-o poveste. Mi-ar fi placut sa am mai mult timp de ilustratii dar ma bucur chiar si de cele cateva pe care am reusit sa le fac. Cel mai placut sentiment este ca fiecare ilustratie imi aminteste exact de locul si momentul in care care au fost facute. :)