Being sensitive and fragile in a world of thorns

Being sensitive and fragile in a world full of thorns can be hard sometimes, but not allowing the thorns to grow in yourself it's a sign of strength not of weakness.

To remain kind, to continue your way daring to believe that the kindness you share multiplies in the lives of others in time. To continue to believe that dreams can come true if they are being put in the hands of The One who has all power. To hold yourself tight to the calling you’ve received, and not call values the things this world calls valuable ( money, possessions, fame etc.) To sow in those places where few dare to sow... To sow love, forgiveness, patience, kindness, appreciation and to believe there is a time of fruit-bearing, it's the most valuable way of living your life!

I didn't arrive there yet, I still have to fight some thorns, but I believe in the day of victory, and I'm on my way there...

I was thinking that, the value of a human can be measured only by the weight of his love and his willing to give itself to others, not by the name and the position it has in society that comes by his natural abilities or possessions... Of course, we need to have a profession, we need to work, to gain money, have a house etc. but not to be possessed by all those things, and let our lives be ruled by them…

I pray, oh Lord…. aren't You the One who is holding all things? Aren't You The One who is holding me too? The One from which I come, and the One to which my steps are heading ? Then, Oh, Lord, if I am Yours, and I am, help me to be a light, help me to be a gift for this world, and to not waste my life in things and ways that take nowhere... Help me to live for the glory of Your name and that will be enough for me. Amen


Sa fii sensibil si fragil intr-o lume plina de spini poate fi greu uneori, dar sa nu ingadui sa creasca spini si in tine este un semn de putere si nu de slabiciune.

Sa ramai bun, sa iti continui calea indraznind sa crezi ca bunatatea pe care o daruiesti poate fi dusa mai departe si inmultita in timp. Sa continui sa crezi ca visele se pot implini daca le incredintezi Aceluia care poate totul. Sa te tii pana la capat de chemarea pe care ai primit-o si sa nu consideri valoare ceea ce multi oameni numesc valoare in general (bani, posesiuni, faima etc). Sa semeni acolo unde putini oameni indraznesc sa semene... Sa semeni dragoste, iertare, rabdare, bunatate, apreciere si sa crezi ca va veni si vremea rodirii, este cel mai valoros mod de a trai o viata!

Nu am ajuns inca acolo cu totul pentru ca inca ma mai lupt cu spinii, dar cred in ziua biruintei si catre ea ma indrept...

Ma gandeam ca ceea ce da valoare unui om nu este nici profesia pe care o are si nici pozitia pe care o detine in mijlocul oamenilor ci masura cu care poate iubi, si masura cu care se poate darui. Desigur, avem nevoie de o profesie, trebuie sa muncim, sa avem un venit, sa avem o casa si sa putem cumpara lucruri, dar niciodata nu trebuie sa lasam ca aceste lucruri sa ne posedeze…

Nu Esti Tu Doamne, Cel ce tine toate lucrurile in maini? Nu Esti Tu Cel ce ma tine si pe mine? Cel din care vin si Cel spre care ma indrept? Atunci nu ma lasa Doamne sa imi risipesc viata in rautati si in lucruri de nimic... Ajuta-ma sa fiu o lumina si un dar pe acest pamant pentru slava si gloria numelui Tau si imi este de ajuns. Amin

On courage

On courage,

I am not going to write about the beautiful day with Monica at the greenhouse, when she photographed me and I painted her, oh well maybe I will say just one thing, that those people who share the beauty around them in all times are the bravest people. I'm going to write instead some of my thoughts regarding de necessity to create and to share the light and beauty no matter what, no matter the times.

When the evil multiplies, be brave enough to multiply the good. When evil multiplies in the world, you must continue to make everything beautiful around you. Don't let evil swallows you up, but overcome evil with good. Work with the hope that the soil which has been given to you will bring its fruits at the right time. You must keep this in mind, NOTHING that you do for God is in vain, and every small thing you do from love to Him, will be rewarded. There are no better times to share the love, then those times when it gets darker around. Be brave and spread the light even in the darkest places, because "light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it." (John 1:5)

Be kind with all people, no matter how they treat you, because those who treat you bad need your love more than anyone else. I'm thinking... yes, this means to BE BRAVE, to be willing to do what others aren't, to love everyone unconditionally, even if you disagree with what they do. Be a person who shares more the good news around her and the bad news less. Wake up every morning with the thought to be thankful, because "today is a gift "and be conscious about what you have instead of grumbling about what you don't have.

Be a gift to this world because God loves the one who give, and He will give to him hundredfold back. Share your bread (your time) with the hungry (the lonely), broke yourself into pieces like the bread that Jesus broke and shared with the disciples, and then said to them to do this in remembrance of Him. When we became a gift we are walking on the footprints of Christ, and we do what He did for us.

But in all things ask for His power.... because oh Lord, without your life in me, I am just an empty vessel that has nothing to offer...


Despre curaj

Nu am sa scriu mai mult despre ziua frumoasa petrecuta cu Monica la Sera, cand ea m-a fotografiat pe mine si eu am pictat-o pe ea, decat ca oamenii care raspandesc frumosul in orice vreme sunt cei mai curajosi oameni. O sa scriu mai bine cateva dintre gandurile mele cu privire la necesitatea da a crea si de a raspandi frumosul si lumina in orice vreme.

Cand raul se inmulteste, fii suficient de curajos si inmulteste binele. Cand raul se inmulteste in lume, tu continua sa faci totul si mai frumos in jurul tau, si nu te lasa inghitit de rau, ci biruieste raul prin bine. Lucreaza cu nadejde pamantul care ti-a fost incredintat si asteapta cu rabdare ca el sa rodeasca. Nimic din ceea ce faci pentru Dumnezeu nu este in zadar, nici macar cel mai marunt lucru. Nu este moment in care oamenii au o mai mare nevoie de dragoste decat atunci cand in jur se face intuneric. Fii curajos si raspandeste lumina chiar si in intunericul cel mai adanc, caci "lumina lumineaza in intuneric si intunericul n-a biruit-o." (Ioan 1:5) Fii bun cu toti oamenii, indiferent cum se poarta ei cu tine, pentru ca acei oameni care se poarta rau au cea mai mare nevoie de dragoste si bunatate.

Asta inseamna sa fii curajos, sa faci ceea ce altii nu sunt dispusi sa faca, si anume sa-i iubesti neconditionat pe cei din jur, nu doar pe tine...

Fii mai bine un raspanditor al vestilor bune decat al celor rele. Trezeste-te in fiecare dimineata cu gandul de a fi multumitor, si constientizeaza mai mult ceea cea ai decat ceea ce nu ai. Fii un dar pentru aceasta lume pentru ca acela care daruieste, sau se daruieste pe sine "cu mana larga" pe acela Dumnezeu il iubeste, si v-a primi insutit inapoi. Imparte painea ta (timpul tau) cu cel flamand (cel singur), frange-te pe tine in bucati asemeni painii pe care a frant-o Hristos si a impartit-o ucenicilor, si carora le-a spus sa faca lucrul acesta spre pomenirea Lui. Cand devenim un dar, calcam pe urmele pasilor Lui si facem ceea ce El a facut pentru noi.

Dar in toate sa ceri puterea LUI... caci fara viata Ta in mine Doamne, sunt doar un vas gol care nu are ce darui...